Helloooo 2018! Now, I’ve been all for New Year’s resolutions in the past but something about this year just felt different. I’ve been getting in touch with my spiritual side more and it just seemed more fitting to call them intentions. So Cody and I talked about it, and as a newly married couple we came up with a few, attainable intentions for 2018.
- More quality time
Life has been soo busy with getting married, the holidays, family events, birthdays, more family wedding prep, the list goes on and on. It can be hard to balace work, appointments, family time with two families, friends, and each other. We really want to try to take some time regularly to slow down, put our phones down and truly be with each other. I mean we got married for a reason right? Because we are in love and enjoy spending time together. - Choose one new recipe and cook together at least once a month
We got so many cookbooks for our shower and wedding and we’ve bought some over the years but have barely used them! We want to put the phone with the Pinterest down, go “old school” and choose a recipe from one of our books and really enjoy the process of making it together as a team. - Turn off the TV and read before bed
They say that TV & cell phone light is bad for you before bed anyway, and we’ve both been wanting to try to read more books, so this seemed like a perfect place to start. - Take more walks together
We used to take long walks to the grocery store and back early on in our relationship and those talks were some of our favorites. We’d like to rekindle that tradition in some way. - Follow our passions
I am getting really into meditation and yoga, and would love to get back into this blog. Cody wants to get back into his music and is also a huge Marvel fan. He would actually like to work on some stories and write and draw his own comic book. So we plan to spend some of our free time on these hobbies/passions, develop them and support each other in doing so.