Morro Bay, California holds a special spot in my heart. My grandfather began the tradition as a child by going on fishing trips there with his father and continued it by marrying my grandmother in San Luis Obispo and honeymooning in Morro Bay. After that, my grandparents took their kids there at least once a year, and their kids did the same. Members of the family that owns Dorn’s Breakers Cafe knew my grandfather by name, as did the owners of The Blue Sail Inn, and The Galley. I’ve been going to that town since I was a baby and it feels like my second home. I know it like the back of my hand and just one wiff of the air can instantly put a smile on my face. The clam chowder and bread at Dorn’s is my ultimate comfort food, and feeding popcorn from Crills to the squirrels at Morro Rock is completely normal for me. Morro Bay is easily my favorite place in the world. There’s just something about it.
I had never taken a boy to Morro Bay before. Granted, it is about 3-4 hours away from where I live, but it can easily be turned into a day trip. So the main reason I had never brought anyone there before is because of how special that place is to me. But there’s just something about Cody, he’s just as special. And I knew in my heart that he would love and respect the town just as much as I did and appreciate it the way my Grandma taught me to. You see, Morro Bay is a little fisherman’s town. And in this day and age its hard to find a kid or young adult that wouldn’t roll their eyes and want more action. But Cody is different, and he loved it.
As I took his hand and led him down the embarcadero I was instantly at ease. Within minutes he was in love. I’m telling you, there is something about the atmosphere and the smell and the air in that place that just changes your entire mood. I took him to Dorn’s for lunch first, of course, because that is always my first stop. Then we walked down the embarcadero and looked in all of the little shops, I showed him the giant chess board at the center, and we stood on the pier and watched the boats. After that, I took him to Crills, where we bought some taffy and a bucket of popcorn. We then headed out to the rock. Now, some would head to the beach other side of the rock, but my family and I have always preferred to park the car by the rock looking out into the bay, watch for sea otters, and feed the squirrels. These squirrels are pretty dang friendly, and will gently take a piece of popcorn right out of your hand. Cody was in awe. We relaxed and enjoyed the view until it was time to leave for dinner.
I decided to take Cody to F. McLintocks Saloon & Dining House in San Luis Obsipo for dinner because who doesn’t want to go to a Saloon for a meal?! That place is so fun and has great food! He had such a blast. It was honestly one of the happiest days of my life. I was in my favorite place with my favorite person. And the fact that Cody had such a wonderful time was more than just the icing on the cake.
* Check out our review of Dorn’s Breakers Cafe
* Stay tuned for our review of F. McLintocks Saloon & Dining House!

The embarcadero and Morro Rock

Sunset in Morro Bay, CA

Kisses in Morro Bay!

Looking out at the bay

The smokestacks

Morro Rock

Feeding the squirrels!
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